Hind's Feet on High Places:
In the silence which succeeded the storm Much-Afraid heard her voice, low and trembling, but quite distinct, saying, "My Lord, what dost thou want to say to me? Speak--for thy servant heareth."
Next moment the Shepherd was standing beside her. "Be of good cheer," he said, "It is I, be not afraid. Build me another altar and lay down your whole will as a burnt offering."
Obediently Much-Afraid raised a little heap of sand and loose stones, which was all that she could find in the desert, and again laid down her will and said with tears (for Sorrow had stepped forward and knelt beside her), "I delight to do thy will, O my God."
This day, Lord, I lay down my will. I trust You with my life, my children, and all that You have given me. You have given all, You oversee everything with Your good ways. Lord, fill me with thankfulness, wisdom, and produce the fruit of the Spirit in me for Your glory alone. Let it be AS YOUR WORD says.
I thank You for Ely's progress, Lord. God, give me eyes to see her progress in every moment. Protect me from the enemy who whispers against Your miracles and promises. I desire Your love alone to operate through me for her. Remove my worldliness that demands to know the future, but give me a new heart that delights in trusting You with every moment. Satisfy me, Lord, with YOU.
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